
Pamela Geller Lashes Out: 'The Little Green Shew'

SpaceJesus7/23/2011 8:19:16 pm PDT

re: #740 lawhawk

Let me show you. I only quote them because it’s kind of hilarious how he puts his “argument” together.

Bunk makes the following “article” at stalkerblog by first quoting the gunman’s manifesto:

“The time has now come for Mr. Johnson to apologise in public to the numerous people he has smeared since the fall of 2007, starting with the ones I have mentioned above. It’s not their credibility that’s on the line here. It’s his. If he continues to undermine those confronting Islamic infiltration, it will become increasingly difficult for LGF to present itself as an anti-Jihad website at all. At some point, the rapidly shrinking number of people in the northern hemisphere who haven’t been banned from the site yet will be forced to ask themselves whether the website and its owner have simply switched teams and joined the Dark Side.” -Norwegian killer

He then adds his own commentary to this quote:

“What is posted above are the thoughts and words of a madman, edited only for their relevance to Charles Johnson’s Little Green Footballs.

Did Johnson influence Anders Behring Breivik? Assuming that the ‘Manifesto’ is legitimate, the answer is YES, WITHOUT A DOUBT.”

Charles Johnson owes public apologies to Fjordman, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and others.”
