
After the Right Wing Media Machine Screams "Sterling Is a Democrat," He Turns Out to Be a Republican

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/28/2014 11:56:51 am PDT

re: #72 Mattand

I’m hoping that much like an alcoholic who constantly wakes up in unknown surroundings or a jail cell, Bundy and Sterling will finally be the wake-up calls for the GOP that they have a huge problem with racists.

You’ll note I’m not holding my breath, particularly in light that Limbaugh’s Sterling/Obama tinfoil battery was probably made with the knowledge that Sterling’s a registered Republican.

I’m extremely cynical about it honestly. As been said, their first move is to try to find any way to blame racism on the left. I really don’t think they have an actual problem with what Sterling said but they relish any time they can try to point a racist as a Democrat or liberal because of something like party registration.