
Gohmert! Gay Massages Will Destroy Our Military

Mattand10/22/2014 3:50:07 pm PDT

re: #67 theEbolafishlives

What the hell happened with this whole gamergate thing, anyway? The only thing I knew was that it was a bunch of assholes harassing a female indie game dev. Has that somehow fundamentally magically changed?

The proponents keep insisting they’re trying to restore ethics to video game journalism, which has plagued mankind since the invention of fire. The whole thing started when the unstable ex of a woman developer wrote a post accusing her of sleeping with one or more VG journalists to further her career.

Needless to say, none of this is true. The woman than started getting doxxed, rape threats, and death threats to the point where she fled her home. Other women who spoke out soon got the same treatment.

At some point, people supporting the hashtag “gamer gate” (coined by noted douchenozzle and Firefly star Adam Baldwin) went Full Metal No True Scotsman and insisted that they truly were fighting for ethics in VG journalism and that the slugs making the threats weren’t “true” members in the cause.