
Saturday Jam: Bob Schneider, "Cheaper"

goddamnedfrank10/17/2015 6:52:37 pm PDT

What kind of kills me about Chuck is how he’s immune to learning from his mistakes. He got suspended from Twitter three times for doxing and was allowed back on promises that he wouldn’t do it again before they made the ban permanent. He blew through so many well placed connections, Dershowitz, Brietbart, internships at the WSJ, the Daily Caller gig. Any person with an ounce of self control could have turned that into a permanent ticket on the wingnut welfare gravy train. But behind the scenes he kept pushing shit too far, alienating his erstwhile allies just enough that they could no longer work with him.

Throughout this process he steadily and progressively self radicalized, to the point where the only person who agreed to go into business with him was the birther Joel S. Gilbert, who bought GotNews and gave it to Chuck on the condition that Chuck would promote Gilbert’s insane books and theories. Gilbert was initially listed as the official contact for GotNews and as the corporation’s registered agent in the California Secretary of State database.

So here he is now, alienated and isolated from basically everyone except the absolute worst of the openly racist, alt-right chan trolls like Andrew Auernheimer, who in reality are only using Chuck ironically as a kind of perverse mascot for their brand of shitlord anti-politics. How can a person not learn from that. How does one keep doubling down, suing Gawker, and threatening to sue everyone else while exhibiting absolutely zero capacity for introspection?