
Trump Resurrects His Racist Birther Smear, Against Kamala Harris This Time

Teddy's Person8/14/2020 11:57:35 am PDT

Vanity Fair has a deep dive into the lives (and loves) of Katie and Stephen Miller.

TL:DR She is as morally bankrupt as her husband, and her origin story is similar to Stephen’s tale of bigotry, racism, and xenophobia. They truly are soulless mates.

In high school (like Stephen she went to a diverse and liberal high school), her English teacher, one of the few Black teachers in her school, assigned Toni Morrison’s Beloved. Katie pitched a fit and was removed from the class (sounds like there were meetings with her parents and this was mutual - not a kicked out thing). All of this is to be expected given what we know about her. Afterwards, she kind of harassed (for lack of a better word) the English teacher’s daughter. Katie texted the daughter asking for help with school work and wanting to study together. The daughter avoided Katie like the plague, knowing there was something nefarious about her actions. The article is peppered with examples of her doing unethical, borderline illegal things and being proud of her actions.

Katie is and always has been deplorable.