
Zombie: The Intifada is Globalized

Outrider1/16/2009 2:58:13 pm PST

re: #39 karmic_inquisitor

It is interesting that the L.A. protesters decided to compare the Palestinians to Jesus.

It shows some profound ignorance regarding Gaza - the Christians there have been largely expelled by the Muslims. All part of that “we tolerate people of the book as we kill them” thing.

Just to put a little context in the expulsion of Christians from Gaza by the Muslims:

Regarding Gaza; in 1929 (Palestinian Riots) all the Jews were forcibly expelled from Gaza by “Palestinians” with the assistance of the British. The British prevented the Jews from returning. A few managed to return in the 30s and establish a new community.

So, this is nothing new… to include the “under” reporting. ;-)>