
Connecting Some Dots

Steffan2/24/2009 10:44:14 pm PST

re: #58 traderjoe9

re: #31 Dark_Falcon

re: #34 realwest


Yes - I’ll become a citizen of the United States, and I’ll retain my Israeli citizenship.

Outstanding. Welcome.

Keep in mind, though, that Immigration doesn’t tell SSA when someone becomes a citizen. Once you have the certificate or the passport in hand, hie yourself down to your local Social Security office to have your citizenship status changed. Once you have done that, you will never have to do it again.

OT: Reflecting on my misspent youth, it occurred to me that the most polite people I have ever met in my life were cadets at the Los Angeles Police Academy. Buzz cuts, sweatsuits, and the most deferential attitudes I have ever seen.

I know some of the local cops socially — I work with their wives. They are, without exception, nice people. I wouldn’t want them mad at me, but I freely admit that I’m highly unlikely to do anything that would draw their professional attention. :)