
Video: Birth of a Climate Denier Talking Point

shutdown10/07/2009 8:56:39 pm PDT

re: #52 LudwigVanQuixote

As a matter of fact I have studied in Yeshiva, but a small cheder boy would know that purposefully distorting the words of another , to the harm of others is absolutely forbidden speech.

That is something five year olds know.

Knowing something from cheder or even some yeshiva learning does not a legal scholar make. It would just be more appropriate if you framed your arguments base on religious law as personal opinions or interpretations, rather than as “lechatchila” truths. Even Gil Student on Hirhurim is careful to say that his opinions are not legal rulings; so for a true layman to opine on the interpretation of halacha is not really appropriate. Please don’t take this the wrong way.