
Tim Blair's Sock Puppet Lawsuit

austin_blue4/03/2010 9:06:54 pm PDT

re: #31 The Sanity Inspector

Yes. And they can count me among those who didn’t buy her bloody-shirt moral bullying, too.

Sheehan’s out there, but I respect the fact that she lost her son in a pointless conflict. Spending a trillion dollars to kill Saddam Hussein and then deal with the chaos it engendered was, let’s face it, rock dumb. If I was her and lost a son for such a bullshit result would enrage me, too.

(I know it’s not that simple, that the idea was to put a permanent American presence in a wedge between Syria, Iran, and the KoSA to press all three from inside. And to pressure Iran on two fronts. But the result has been a huge cock-up and strategic failure.)