
Avengers #24, January 1966

Gus8/09/2010 8:18:39 pm PDT

re: #74 Gus 802

Couple more:

On Race: A Tentative Discussion, Part I
Example quote: “With all of the liberal talk of evolution and biology, why do people find it so difficult to confront the facts that some races perform better in sports, some better in mathematical problem solving, some better in language, some better in Western societies and some better in tribal ones?”

On Race: A Tentative Discussion, Part II
Example quote:” There is a reason the founding fathers did not give women or black slaves the right to vote. You might not agree or like the idea but this country’s founders, otherwise held in the highest esteem for their understanding of human nature and its affect on political society, certainly took it seriously. Why is that? Were they so flawed in their political reckonings that they manhandled the most important aspect of a free society €“ the vote? If the vote counts for so much in a free and liberal democracy as we “know” it today, why did they limit the vote so dramatically?”