
Crack in the Far Right World

Wayne A. Schneider8/21/2010 7:22:49 pm PDT

I still haven’t figured out what useful purpose Coulter serves in our society, other than making herself the perfect subject of one of my song parodies (which I’ve already told you folks I write.)

Why is a group claiming it speaks for families promoting Hate of any kind? Does the AFA really think that homosexuals will “convert” enough straight people to bring about an end to humans? Or is Tony Perkins just afraid of someone shoving something into his pooper? (My own theory is that they don’t fear gay men because they might get anally raped by them, but they fear that they might get anally raped by them and like it.)

And if promoting my own work on my blog is a no-no here at LGF, then I apologize. If not, I will try to say something related to the subject at hand while posting a link to my own blog. It’s the least I can do. :)