
Heritage Foundation to Boycott CPAC (or, Fear of a Gay Planet)

Rightwingconspirator1/07/2011 12:40:42 pm PST

re: #70 Walter L. Newton
You may have missed the key paragraph

It’s wrong, though, to add Heritage to the list of GOProud-squeamish groups. They told me in December that the decision was financial, and they say the same thing today. The trick that social conservatives are able to play is that there has long been unease among conservatives about the American Conservative Union in general and David Keene in particular. In December, the ACU didn’t comment on an IRS investigation of a “material diversion” of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Before that, Sarah Palin passed on the conference, in part, because the ACU hinted that it could take money for its support to Fed Ex in a legislative battle with UPS (you’ve probably heard of the “brown bailout” by now). That’s why some D.C. conservative groups balk at the ACU, and some social conservatives are exploiting that to make there seem like there’s more outrage over GOProud than there is. (There is some outrage, definitely.)