
Religious Right Spokeshole: Time to Destroy Public Education

SanFranciscoZionist2/23/2011 4:25:37 pm PST

re: #61 Fozzie Bear

Mike Huckabee Expresses Deep Doubts About Afghan End Game, Karzai’s Corruption

This is the thing about Huckabee which gives me fits. He says some things that resonate with me so strongly, such as this, and then he turns around and says something bugfuck insane. I mean, I really, really respect the rhetorical honesty with which he approached the issue of the war in Afghanistan. It’s downright refreshing to see someone say what I am thinking.

And yet, he has some some really frightening things.

He is on a different level from most other wingnuts. I like him. My gut says he’s just not a bad guy. But he also scares the shit out of me. Does anybody else feel that way about him?

Sure. Huckabee is smart, sensible, likable, he has a good sense of humor, and he doesn’t take himself too seriously. I really like the man.

And he thinks the Constitution should be altered to align more closely with the Bible.

He’s not a wingnut. He’s not stupid. He’s not crazy. He is miles beyond the current crop of deranged so-con Tea-Party petulant rebels with a dumb cause. I am sure he is a good husband, a good father, and a good friend. I believe that his religious beliefs are sincere, and I will be genuinely surprised and sorry if he is ever caught sniffing coke off a hooker.

But he is, in the truest sense of the word, a theocrat.