
Oklahoma GOP Rep. Sally Kern: 'Blacks' Don't Work As Hard As White People

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/28/2011 11:03:22 am PDT

re: #73 brennant

What’s funny is all the people who wonder why blacks are ‘still’ angry. I mean, we ended slavery and passed the civil rights bill. Sure, there are still black men and women living who have memories of being beaten to the ground for the temerity of sitting at a lunch counter, but why are they still angry? Sure, the first black president has been mortified by a creepy, racist smear campaign, but why are black so angry? Sure, blacks get arrested for drug crimes at a far higher rate than whites, even though the percentage of use in the populations is the same, but why are black so angry? Sure, people with ‘black-sounding’ names are less likely to be called back for an interview than a white person with a goddamn felony, but why are blacks still angry? Sure, Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul, and a thousand other conservative assholes race-bait, but why are blacks still angry?