
Michele Bachmann: Public Schools Should Teach Creationism

Lidane6/18/2011 2:12:06 pm PDT

Coming into the thread late since I’ve been out all day.

I’m so sick of all this anti-science, anti-reason creationist garbage trying to pass itself off as an “alternative” to evolution and to real, hard science. It’s not. It’s a bunch of magical thinking by people using the words of shepherds from 2000 years ago as the basis for everything. That’s not good enough, especially if we expect this country to be competitive.

I find it amazing that so many people want to make our kids as stupid and uniformed as they are by teaching creationism or altering history or otherwise giving them a short shrift in education. How the fuck does that encourage the “American Exceptionalism” these lunatics are always raving about?

Anyone? Bueller?