
Breivik Inspiration 'Fjordman' Reveals Identity

Alexzander8/05/2011 11:02:17 am PDT

Fjordman (and Breivik) seem to be projectionists, par excellence, emboding the hateful dimensions they prescribe to ‘the left’ and Islam:

172 Fjordman
9/19/2007 5:11:30 pm PDT

That the Left has not been more nihilistic and murderous is not its fault; it has had to moderate itself as it quietly spread corruption throughout the body politic.
I have been warning against this for some time. I have had long discussions as whether or not cultural Marxism is Marxism at all, or whether it is too far removed from traditional Marxism. They do place a greater emphasis on culture now than they originally did. Gramsci modified the economic determinism of Karl Marx because he perceived it (correctly) to be a quasi-religious doctrine. But they have retained their totalitarian nature, and their goals never changed as much as their strategies.

In order to break down any culture and create your Socialist society, you have to first break down the religion and the family structure, the foundation wall of any civilization. Since the West is a civilization with a special emphasis on reason, they had to break down that, too. If you look closely at the situation, this is exactly what has happened over the past generations. The Left has almost removed all impediments to their ideological hegemony, and when they sense that the time has come, mass murders will commence again. They always do.

What is also unusual (for people absorbed in hateful ideologies) about both Breivik and Fjordman is that they seem to be well better read than most.