
Fox News Audience Spews Racial Slurs at Morgan Freeman

SanFranciscoZionist9/23/2011 2:19:17 pm PDT

re: #23 imp_62

Fellow lizards, I am in an awful, dark, terrible mood. I feel the way I did when I was a young boy, growing up in Switzerland and I would come home after school, having fought my way through the school day, with my fists, because I was a Jew. Having battled back home worrying if that group of boys was going to show up again, grab my yarmulke form my head, and play keepaway with it. Having turned on the TV to news of invading Arabs armies threatening to extinguish the one hope I held in my heart throughout all these fights and battles. The hope of Israel, clinging to a sliver of shitty beach and a few hills and proclaiming itself a safe haven to Jews, like me, the world over.

Now another mob has gathered, this time at the UN, who are red-eyed and baying at the chance of inflicting, finally, a mortal blow to that ridiculously small country in the middle of fucking nowhere that kept me going my whole life, simply because it was there.

Big hug. Unless you are shomer negiah, in which case—oh hell, it’s the Internet. Big hug anyway.

This is a scary, scary week. All that’s left to do is take deep breaths, pray, and get ready for whatever’s next. Try to be good to yourself.