
Overnight Video: Bjork: Moon

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)9/26/2011 3:33:38 am PDT

re: #69 Obdicut

Ah geez, Stossel.

His latest piece on Reason is shilling for charter schools. Because, yknow, maximum competition and minimum inteference of government provides best results always:

I was surprised to meet kids who said they like school. What? I found school boring. How can it be that these fourth-graders tell me that they look forward to going to school and that math is “rockin’ awesome”?

Those kids attend one of those new charter schools. Charters let them escape the bureaucracy of regular schools, including, often, teachers union rules. These schools compete for kids because parents can always choose another school. That makes them better.

Not every charter school is good, but the beauty of competition is that bad ones go out of business, while good ones expand. Then good schools teach more kids. Choice and competition produce quality. Anyone surprised?

Government schools rarely improve because no matter how bad they are, they still have captive customers.