
Pink Bibles Recalled Because of Abortion Cooties

lawhawk12/15/2011 1:23:21 pm PST

re: #49 aagcobb

It wasn’t just NY Mag; it was right wingers across the gamut.

Heck, Ace posted one of the more critical displays against Paul’s lame-ass excuses about that magazine. He was its editor, but never read it. Yet, his name was on the letterhead, right alongside Lew Rockwell.

Charles had a full-on report on Paul’s newsletter - and that the media isn’t focusing on this shows that they really don’t care, unless it will drive eyeballs (they must think he doesn’t have a chance, and there’s no reason to pile on - but if he does well in IA, that should make the rounds once again though I wonder if the same right wingers will denounce him again as they did initially).