
Man Who Helped Sandy Hook Kids Is Harassed by Conspiracy Theorists

Ziggy_TARDIS1/15/2013 12:13:13 pm PST

Finally found a map of what Israel is will to “settle” for with Palestine.

So, from what I can tell, Israel keeps the best land, and the water associated with it, and in exchange Palestine gets worthless Desert. In addition, the Muslim and Christian Palestinians have trust Israel to preserve the mosques on the Temple Mount, and the Cathedral in Jerusalem.

We saw how well trusting another group with a site worked with Babri Mosque in India, and the Copts had a large chunk of their property given to the the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in punishment for being Egyptian.

I can see why Palestinians are ticked off. They are being shoved into the most desolate areas, being given virtually worthless land in exchange for the fertile land they are losing, and are being asked to trust Israel on the Temple Mount, even though the Price Tag attacks on Mosques and Churches get slaps on the wrist.