
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

katemaclaren2/13/2009 8:31:04 pm PST

Charles, I read the quote you started this thread with—again—and, I agree, it sounds ominous, and naturally, I wouldn’t like for the President (or anyone else, for that matter) to have that kind of power—but since they don’t…. and never will (or maybe I shouldn’t say “never”)…

The quote also sounds a lot like campaign rhetoric—and maybe, like some of his other spontaneous gaffe-like comments, it reflects some inner longing—but it won’t fly. I understand your concern about creationists impacting science studies—I was, in my young life, a rocket scientist—and an atheist, too. However, since I’m now a professor, it is easy to see how little impact ANY theory has had on ANY student who has passed through our poor poor poor educational system. I think all of education should be reformed RADICALLY.