
Overnight Open Thread

750 9:41:21 am PDT

re: #743 Obdicut

What did that tweet say, Reine?

From the article:

However, the rumor sprang from a Facebook page launched by a liberal Northhampton radio host, was fueled by a mysterious tweet from the state Democratic party chairman and got pumped up as recently as Wednesday by the state’s Democratic governor.

Earlier this month, radio yakker Bill Dwight and another man created a Facebook page titled “Rachel Maddow for U.S. Senator from Massachusetts in 2012.”

A few days later, John Walsh, chairman of the state Democratic Party, sent a curious “tweet” to his Twitter followers that included his contact information and read, “Some are talking about you running vs Scott Brown in ’12.”

Walsh has said he won’t disclose who the “tweet” was meant for until he gets 1,000 Twitter followers, but he never tamped down rampant speculation it was Maddow.

Walsh refused to clear the air last night, saying he’s never spoken to Maddow.

A few days after the FB page was set up, Walsh sent a tweet which doesn’t mention anyone, but he refuses to say who he meant, but he has not done anything to reduce the speculation that he meant Maddow.

Thin? Perhaps.
But definitely fuel for the speculation; and the speculation did not begin with Brown.