
Overnight Open Thread

Fenway_Nation2/21/2009 7:58:00 am PST

re: #704 realwest

There is gonna be a HUGE blowback at the Democrat Party for this once the public understands this aspect of the “Stimulus Bill”.

All the more reason for CNN, MSNBC and the New York Times to sugar-coat it. They’re gonna trot out every ‘economist’ who’s in favor of the bill and crap all over anyone who has any misgivings.

If the economy shows even the slightest turnaround between now and 2010, it’s all thanks to the stimulus bill.

If the economy continues circling the drain, that’s only because the stimulus bill hasn’t ‘been given enough time to take effect’.

Even if you’re the biggest fuck-up at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, nobody will notice as long as your leg-tingling pals in the MSM have your back…