
The GOP and Creationism

Obsidiandog2/23/2009 5:01:53 pm PST

re: #745 topazpilot

According to exit poll data for the 2008 election the single most important issue for voters was the economy at 62%. Iraq war was second with 10% with health care and terrorism tied at 9% each. Doesn’t seem as though religion or creationism was that big of a deal for most voters in determining their vote.

How many Republicans didn’t bother going to the polls because they had heard or suspected that Palin had creationist beliefs? And that she would be “a heartbeat away from the Presidency”? Or worse yet, voted for the other side? I’m sure for every worried Republican that was energized by Palin’s entrance into the race (I was), surely some soured on her when her religious affiliations were run through the media spin cycle.