
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

Mich-again8/22/2010 8:48:56 pm PDT

Heres my take. Let the Cordoba House move forward, applying the same local, state and federal regulations as any other house of worship. There is no basis to put a particular religion at a legal advantage or disadvantage. That Cordoba House is an Islamic Center shouldn’t drive a process any different than if it were Catholic, Baptist, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, etc. That this is such a big issue is kind of disturbing to me because I didn’t realize how many people are worse than ignorant of what the Constitution says.

Now, how did it come to this. Its too big of a movement to credit Krazy Pam and her bigot blog brigade. Its been a drumbeat for years, the never-ending story of death and destruction at the hands of the radical Islamists. And while the Moderate Muslims would make sure to issue statements that distanced themselves from the radicals and the Islamist agenda, they always seemed to do it tactfully with just the right juxtaposition of words so as to not become targets themselves by speaking out too harshly against the jihadis out for their evil. It became pretty obvious the moderates were/are intimidated, even scared of the monsters sharing their same religion. And barring a very public, vocal, moderate Muslim giving his side of the story, over time the drumbeat of bad news led the masses to believe there were no other significant voices in Islam, and all are beholden to the jihadi agenda.

Not that I agree with that, I’m just trying to figure out why this has turned out like it did.