
And Now, Meerkats Practice Security

jcm1/16/2009 11:03:51 pm PST

re: #732 albusteve

they seem to want to do what they are told…I’m not sure I cop to the premiss that all Gazans are worthless…surely many are but in my worls I need them to build my new water parks and resorts….capitalism has a positive effect on simple people

I lived in Iran. My observation there: The lives of many people haven’t changed a lot in centuries. Sure some of the trappings of modernity creep in, but substantially their lives are much the same as generation before. Who is in power makes little difference, they keep their heads down and survive. They say, vote and do things that make seeing another day, another year more likely. They don’t have the safety net we in West have when we speak up and challenge things. Overlay the fatalism of Islam, my life is what Allah wills, who am to question Allah’s will?

Gaza looks like that to. A lot of the people aren’t good or bad, just trying to make a life for them and their family. Hamas is in power so Hamas get’s supported, not out of any fervent belief. Just that not supporting Hamas is unhealthy.

Who knows what would come of really free, fair, and fear free elections.