
Overnight Open Thread

soap_man1/26/2010 10:12:36 am PST

re: #737 soap_man

You read it correctly. Now, I want to be clear that I’m not a libertarian or anti-government or anything like that. There are certain things the government should provide the people at little to no cost, and some of those things are done very well (especially with local government). But the government (at any level) getting involved in providing health care coverage seems like a clusterfuck waiting to happen.

To expand on this comment, if the government wants to get more involved in HC, they should boost public-private investments and cooperation. They should give more money to non-profit HC clinics that provide services in economically depressed areas.

My girlfriend, who is in medical school, works for a non-profit that provides preventative care and HC education to those without insurance. So Obama, if you want to help, giving them more money is a good first step.

Now I’m done.