
CPAC Live Video 1

realwest2/26/2009 9:43:59 pm PST

re: #733 jcm
Hey jcm - that GI Bill was unprecedented. WW I vets got screwed - look up in Wiki the “Volunteer” or the “Bonus Army” where our troops were denied bonuses they were promised and were literally charged by US Army Horse Cavalry to get them off the Mall (led with glee by Macarthur and his two chief subordinates, Eisenhower (who said it was the most shameful thing he’d ever done in Uniform) and Patton (who didn’t say anything). Look at wars before that - NO GI Bill at all. WWII vets GI bill covered room, board, tuition books and spending money - compare and contrast with Korean War vets who got Nada and Vietnam vets (I received exactly $200 a month for 9 months of the year, total).
I think we owe it to ALL our veterans - combat or otherwise - to provide the kind of aid that will enable them to get or complete their educations.
‘Course, that’s me, just a gnarly ole Conservative.