
Reuters: Cropping of Photos Was 'Inadvertent'

754 6:10:33 pm PDT

re: #751 b_sharp

In politics it isn’t reality that matters, it is the perception of reality. The perception is that the country will be better off if no more wells are allowed to continue until safety measures are guaranteed. That perception includes the Gulf coast states as being better off in the long run.

Regulations should have been in place, and enforced, before deep water drilling was licensed. Unfortunately, that is not reality either.

Obama had little choice. He had to weigh the perceptions of non-Gulf coast citizens, the majority of the US, against the the perceptions of the Gulf coast citizens. Politicians, all politicians are ruled by political expediency.

Do what activists do, write letters, complain, protest the decision. Anything. Just don’t give up, and don’t let your husband give up.

Yes, I’ve written a couple of letters to places I think can stir things up a bit, more than I can.

and Jindal and Mary Landrieu have sent the President information about the economics of this thing that I hope he takes a serious look at.