
NYT's Revkin Responds to Limbaugh's 'Suicide' Suggestion

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/20/2009 8:26:42 pm PDT

re: #741 Charles

Just check out the comments for any Pat Buchanan article there and you’ll see that he has overwhelming support from Townhall readers, even for his most disgusting articles.

You mean like this one from the latest Buchanan article:

Location: FL
Reply # 40
Date: Oct 20, 2009 - 2:16 AM EST
Without a doubt!
Blacks, as a group, are far more racist than whites. It starts with the President. His support for Professor Gates is the shining example. Next is the Congressional black caucus. A white caucus would be damned. A black one should be too. Black leaders? All of them are racists as their cause is for blacks only. Whites to the back of the bus. Now there is apartheid in America. The minority ruling over the majority. Affirmative Action is a product of Apartheid thinking. Giving advantages to the minority is grossly anti democratic. Democracy means that the majority rules. Not the other way around. Now you know.