
Pamela Geller Supports Yet Another Fascist Group

What, me worry?6/19/2010 5:53:23 pm PDT

re: #753 swamprat

Many of us are Democrats. They were quite nutty before they got a President. The sane ones, who are embarrassed by the excesses of their over zealous predicessors, can be identified by their sing-song warble;


Although a Democrat, I looked to the Republicans, in the past, out of disgust with the minority party.
It is now obvious that political insanity is not caused by party affiliation; it is a product of not having enough people in power to ensure the ability to maintain control.
All political parties are without honor.

I say this, not because I wish to engage in equivocation, but because it is the truth.

I would disagree. I’m proud to be a Democrat. That doesn’t mean there aren’t idiots in my party. But there are also fine men and women whom I admire, like Bill Clinton, Bill Nelson, Bob Graham, Kendrick and Carrie Meek, Lawton Chiles, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz (off the top of my head).