
Tuesday Afternoon Open

HoosierHoops7/28/2009 5:18:32 pm PDT

re: #735 Van Helsing

Anybody have any good links to one those ‘what career I would be good at’ test thingies?

I’m burned out on the alleged engineering my company is doing and decided that a cut in pay is better than a lobotomy.

Don’t tell me that a bottle in front of me will work, either. That’s what led to the decision to try something different.

As my son told me, “drunk, smart, and unhappy is no way to go through life, dad”

So I’m looking for resources.

Wait a while my friend…I work for one of the largest global companies in the world with 440,000 employees…I checked…We have 5 job openings across the Globe..Hang in there a bit…There will be hiring in 2010…Just hang right now…
That’s all I can tell you..Good luck!