
Jon Stewart: Parks and Demonstration

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/08/2011 4:37:57 am PDT

Heh. Or, to put it another way, since there is a 1/4000 chance of a Californian’s vote tipping California’s electoral votes, and we have a vote for president every year, this scenario will occur every 1000 years.

I think the main problem with how you’ve phrased it is you’re talking about the 1/4000 chance as though it’s the chance for an individual to sway the election, but it’s not; it’s the chance for all those votes to break 50/50. So its’ interesting, mathematically, but what relevance does it have to reality? One time in a millennium, the scenario will occur.

Whereas every single time the senate votes on something, the vote of the Senator from Wyoming holds equal power to the vote of the Senator from California, despite the Senator from California representing vastly more people.