
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

nikis-knight4/20/2009 4:09:33 pm PDT

re: #733 Salamantis

Try this:


Well, you aren’t Kilgore, who I challenged to explain it if he could rather than dismiss me.

And more importantly, that reads very similar to what I said, namely that while socialists/communists might be international and fascists nationalist, both are collective and very much leftists in the sense that the term is used in the last few decades, and the American “right” has far less in common with either than they have with each other, in practices and positions advanced, dispite any rather archaic philosophical differences.

If one is studying the details of collectivists movements, yes, there are differences, but in a one-axis political description, there is far too many similarities between them and differences between collectivism and American conservatism (classical liberalism) to place them at opposite ends of the only descriptive axis. Hence why so many here say that at extremes the movements are indistinguisable; that’s only because you are categorizing according to measures of tangential importance.

So thank you for supporting my assertions.