
Heritage Foundation Head Jim DeMint's Revisionist History: Government Didn't Free the Slaves

Scottish Dragon4/09/2014 11:48:13 am PDT

Aaaaand in other unsurprising news today, TAC columnist Rod “The Gay Mafia iz persucutin’ me!” Dreher is having a bad case of the vapors because GLSEN is advising high school kids how they can voluntarily participate in the Day of Silence to commemorate GLBT murder victims.

Commemorating dead GLBT people makes Rod into a victim because Jesus said so.

It’s not a joke. GLSEN, the gay activist group organizing the Day Of Silence, has a Day Of Silence FAQ put together by Lambda Legal, inviting students to contact them for legal help if they feel that their rights to be silent have been improperly infringed upon. Do you, Madam Principal or Mr. Teacher, want to get a phone call from a Lambda Legal lawyer telling you that your insistence that this disruptive protest event not go on is going to be challenged in court? Better get with the program — or else. You’ve seen what happened to Brendan Eich. You’ve seen what happened to Chauncey Childs. Nice job you have there; sure would be a shame if something happened to it.

You think hard about what this kind of Day Of Silence bullying means. What if you’re a teacher who has deep problems of conscience with gay marriage, but has no intention of bringing your moral views to the classroom. You just want to teach math, or science, or English, and you are meticulous about being just to everyone in your classroom. But now you have to be afraid of your students, because you live in a culture in which to dissent, or to be suspected of dissent, is to put your livelihood on the line.

Yes. Be afraid of your students. Especially the quiet ones.

Rod then goes on to compare these stigmatized, traumatized teachers with not-so-chatty students to human rights icon Vaclav Havel.

Enjoy the suckitude and read it for yourself.