
And Now, a Tender Moment of Self-Beclownment Brought to You by TruthRevolt

jaunte1/03/2015 4:05:33 pm PST
“Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races. This goal must include freeing of the American media and government from subservient Jewish interests.”
— David Duke

“Jewish people have put the interests of race over the interests of the American people… Jews are filled with more hatred and rage for our race, for our heritage, for our blood than perhaps you can imagine.”
— David Duke

“The organizers and attendees of the Values Voter Summit are not just strongly pro-Israel, but genuinely pro-Jewish as well.”
— Noah Pollak, Exec. Dir., Emergency Committee for Israel

“The African American community has a lot in common with the Republican Party, and it is important to share this rich history. More importantly, the Republican Party must be committed to building a lasting relationship with the African American community year-round, based on mutual respect and with a spirit of caring.”