
Bob Schneider's Latest AI Experiment is Pretty Great: "On a Train to Somewhere Awesome"

William Lewis5/28/2024 12:27:04 am PDT

re: #73 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

It’s the same old story: someone get’s lucky with a world event or a market crisis, and all of a sudden they are an expert on anything and write books that get fluffed as “by the guy who ______ “.

Anyway, there is a constant sabre-rattling over China, among the US political talking heads.

I have no doubt that the CCP would love to get Taiwan under its wing. That would solidify the legitimacy of the CCP in the eyes of Chinese nationalists as the rightful leaders of China.

But any military move by the PRC is going to be so problematic that I see the PRC only doing it as a last resort.

Military opportunism is not one of the hallmarks of the CCP, traditionally. In the past 80 years, for all their talk, the CCP has not initiated military adventures.

And today the PRC is highly dependent upon imports of raw goods from around the world, just to exist.

So I wonder about all this war-talk coming out of US talking-heads.

It smells like the same people who talked up how the Russians would walk into Kyiv in 3 days.