
Seth Meyers: Hysterical Trump Faces Jail Time After Guilty Verdict, Fox News Predicts "Revolution"

retired cynic6/03/2024 10:46:49 pm PDT

re: #73 teleskiguy

I am old. 76, in fact. In 2016, I could not believe this country would vote for such an idiotic joke as TFG. Of course, Hillary won the popular vote, and lost the EC because of only a few votes in the wrong places, and horrific head winds of Russia-Russia-Russia, decades of hateful misinformation about her, and James Comey. I nearly had a stroke that night, thinking of what TFG might do in office. I never slept normally again.

In 2020, I was still scared spitless, because who knew what trickery there was on the right. And now, I am still scared, because we KNOW some of the trickery there is happening on the right. That doesnโ€™t mean I run around screaming, but I subscribe to as many sources of information that I can afford, and try to let my feelings be known online. Stay connected with friends who have the same fear and fury that I have. And read LGF.