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vxbush3/15/2009 12:25:10 pm PDT

re: #70 UberInfidel67

Didn’t Bubba have a stepfather though? Or was it that he was always having “new daddies”? But look at how his being fatherless manifested in him. He has no respect for women. Maybe he blames his mother for his father leaving. I don’t recall all the details, I am just throwing out some suggestions.

May we contrast? I had no father growing up. No father, no step-father. No one. But I am not a flaming Marxist. Obama and everyone who grows up without a father has a disadvantage, but it does not change the fact that s/he must learn to live and must make choices based on what skills s/he already has.

I hope I don’t have contempt for men for not having a father. I don’t think I do.