
Former Human Rights Watch Chairman Notices Things Have Gone Awry

avanti10/20/2009 9:44:30 pm PDT

re: #64 Charles

A PERFECT illustration of a point I’ve made several times — that climate change deniers have a lot in common with creationists. In a previous thread, “Tom on the rez” was spewing anti-AGW talking points like crazy. When I checked his account, it turned out he had been previously banned after having an abusive meltdown — over creationism!

And not only that, he was also a defender of the fascist Belgian party Vlaams Belang.

Creationism freakout (combined with the same anti-AGW talking points he tried to float in that thread - and he even signed his new sock puppet name to it):


Defending the fascist Vlaams Belang:



Spoof found on the net:

“Creationist-friendly version of Darwin film released

Following its failure to secure a US distributor, the producers of new film ‘Creation’ about the life of Charles Darwin have released an alternative ‘Creationists’ Cut’ version deemed more suitable for the American market.

In the revised film a new final scene will see Darwin, played by Paul Bettany, wake up and realize that his voyage on The Beagle and development of the theory of evolution was all just a dream. His wife then walks into the bedroom and says ‘Darling, I’ve just found a book that explains why all those animals exist.’

In the next shot, the book falls open and we see that it is the first chapter of Genesis, and the couple decide to go out for a walk on the beach with their new pet dinosaur, which science can’t prove didn’t exist at the time.”