
Is the GOP Smarter Than the Animal Kingdom?

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce8/18/2011 8:55:42 pm PDT

re: #38 Dark_Falcon

And if you get bit, call 911 right away. Black Widow bites can kill.

Black Widows have an unnecessarily bad reputation. They are generally not aggressive at all, and as long as you don’t go doing stupid things like sticking your fingers in dark, wet places without looking first**, it’s relatively difficult to be bitten by a Black Widow. They eat pest insects like roaches, crickets, and certain wasps, and although they must be approached with a certain degree of respect, they should also be considered a beneficial species.

Also, deaths from Black Widow bites are very rare. Given an ultimatum, I’d rather be bitten by a Black Widow than by a Brown Recluse. The Brown Recluse is the only spider I have on my Kill-On-Sight list.