
Council of Conservative Citizens: Dylann Roof Had "Legitimate Grievances"

Lidane6/22/2015 12:20:01 pm PDT

Freepers are taking this statement by Carson with their usual grace and wit:

Well, it was racism on the part of a drug addled lunatic.
Don’t see how it applies to “all white people” any more than the outrageous violent crime rate among blacks applies to “all black people.”

Has Ben Carson made similar statements condemning “knockout game”, other acts of black-on-white violence, and black-on-white crime in general?
If not, then FUBC.

Well duh. Ben’s twisting words here…and revealing he is not ready for Prime Time.

No one I know about is not calling it racism. They are just saying it isn’t an indictment on white people in general like the libs want to claim. It is one punk creep loser who decided to get attention this way. I’m guessing it had more to do with his reaction to recent news events than with any racist upbringing (per a black young man who used to be his friend). Or some other event that led him down this path.

Shame on Carson for using this. He is no better than Obama for trying to squeeze political advantage out of it

Do we really want to even consider another black enabler in the WH?

Guy is an evil lunatic.

Drop him a fishing hole, filled with pirhana…

Ok Ben, then calling innocent White people racist is Racist also. It really is.
The left accuses ALL whites on the right racist and not real racism
by the Democrats.
Over used and abused term, and now it means nothing so I don’t
give a shit anymore about it.

I guess it was a matter of time Ben Carson used his race as a political tool.
His color gives him status to decide who is racist whether real or invented.

Is this African American going to call out all acts of racism, i.e the rampant racism in the black community, or just those that are politically correct?