
Thank You, Climate Change Deniers

KSK12/06/2009 3:51:43 pm PST


No this is NOT a creationist argument. Stop that BS. I don’t believe in creationism.

The theories of gravity and evolution are based on scientific research and evidence. Creationism is not.

The theory of global warming is based on scientific research and evidence as well. What I’m saying is that as long something is a scientific theory it will evolve over time.

I’ve learned a lot at school about animal behavior for example. Our knowledge has improved and not everything I learned at school about it still is the scientific consensus today. Which is just the way it should be. In 100 years our knowledge on gravity and evolution will have improved as well. It is even possible that a genius scientist finds a better theory than Darwin had.

But no, he won’t base it on the Bible.