
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

jorline4/29/2009 2:45:58 pm PDT

Pelosi offers advice to GOP voters

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi marked President Barack Obama’s 100th day in office with some unsolicited advice for Republican voters, telling them to “take back” their party.

The California Democrat offered her own analysis of the political environment for her political opponents, asserting Republicans across the country are more willing to work with Democrats than their leaders on Capitol Hill.

“Yes, there is — shall we say — a ‘radical right-wing’ element with whom they identify. But by and large, I say to Republicans in America: Take back your party. The party of protecting the environment. The party of individual rights. The party of fairness. This is not the Grand Old Party.”

Coin a phrase from Mandy…instead of WAB, Pelosi is SAB..Smug Ass Bitch!