
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

Walter L. Newton1/30/2009 10:45:03 pm PST

re: #744 ggt

Oh my, that one was BIZARRE. All of his are. I think he was using the whole “self-fufilling prophecy” concept and took it a bit too far. But who knows what goes on in that author’s head.

I listened to it on tape. The one that really made my head hurt was the Island of the Day Before. I still get a little blurry eyed thinking about it.

Ah, interesting that you made the comment about the “self-fulfilling prophecy” concept.

I am reading it because it is part of a suggested reading list for fans of the TV show LOST. Much of LOST contains a lot of intertextual (or intervisual) references, and there for, there are many books (and visual works) that lend extra color to the show.

It’s funny, because “Foucault’s Pendulum” as a intertextual source just became important at the beginning of this season two weeks ago, and already the plot line has taken a turn to a self-fulfilling prophecy concept.

And since I haven’t read the whole book yet, I didn’t realize that self-fulfilling prophecy was part of the book theme.

Ah, now I see the connection. The plot thickens.