
Thank You, Climate Change Deniers

KSK12/06/2009 4:14:17 pm PST


Not at all. Let me requote Popper:

“No amount of experiments could ever prove a scientific theory”

In other words. A scientific theory cannot be proven. It it is proven, it ceases to be a theory.

A scientific theory is developed and backed by scientific evidence, empirical data, finds, facts. All these bundled together form a theory. The more facts and evidence we have, the more plausible the theory becomes, the more it becomes a scientific consensus.

762 Naso Tang

I was thinking of Number 1
Number 2 does not apply because there are no “well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact” contradicting the theory.

What I do believe is that evolution and gravitation have a better (and longer) scientific backing than man made global warming. That’s all.