
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

Yashmak4/08/2009 12:35:02 pm PDT

My favorite moments from those sites:

Jihad Watch saying that he didn’t intend ‘Neo Nazi site linked to LGF” to mean anything. Which begs the question “Why put it in the title of the topic then?”.

Pamela referring to LGF as an echo chamber, when from the comments following the topic, it’s fairly obvious it’s a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

The constant references to Charles as a ‘libtard’, one of the most infantile terms introduced over the last 10 years. I hear someone say that, and can pretty much safely discount anything else they say as the rantings of a hate filled person… .every bit as much as those who rant against conservatives.

I guess you’re just not conservative ENOUGH for them Charles. I’m glad of it, as I can scarcely tolerate many of the more conservative blogs around these days. They’re as bad as any of the extreme liberals they babble on about, full of hate.