
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

Desert Dog9/02/2009 10:52:06 pm PDT

re: #752 Irenicum

Please don’t go there. The “black thing” has “only” a 400 year history. I grew up in a lily white neighborhood that no black would EVER consider walking through. Both they and we knew better. My parents entertained a couple right around the time of my birth (my father was a college prof) and right after the couple left, our next door neighbors came over, panic stricken, over whether we were “block busting.” That was forty five years ago to be sure. Things are so much different now? I always hope so. In these days I sometimes wonder. My prayer is that the dividing walls of hostility will eventually fall down. That’s actually WHY I’m going on to seminary. I believe that Christ has called us to a better way.

One more before bed…

My point was that IMHO, this country has moved very far on the matters of race relations. I get the feeling from your post that you do not feel this way. I can only speak for myself and what I see. I think we are getting closer everyday to being a truly colorblind society. Are we there yet? No. Will we ever get there? I think so…and sooner than you would think too.

We have some narrow minded hate filled people out there still obsessing over race. I hope they let it go of that one day. We are really all just human beings when you strip away the exteriors, not white or black or brown.