
President's Day Open

Killgore Trout2/16/2009 1:59:24 pm PST

Glenn Beck fauxtography scandal?

Debunking a Conservative Meme

So I called this Borders and asked them if they had such a display now or in the past. The answer was a resounding “No”

Tyler offered the suggestion that perhaps this was done by some employee thinking he was being funny. This is possible, since it was taken at 11:55AM. It depends on whether the timestamp is in GMT or local time. It appears to be 6AM Dallas time.

I ignored the pic earlier this week because I left it was obviously a conservative buy making a joke but here’s Glenn Beck’s original posting….
Picture of the Day

Thanks to Michael for sending in the picture above that he took in a Dallas book store…

Beck gives the implication that that reverent progressives set up the display. Just stupid.