
Overnight Open Thread

realwest2/21/2009 8:01:56 am PST

re: #724 pre-Boomer Marine brat She was loaned x dollars to buy the house in 2001. She promised to pay that debt and pledged her house as security. She didn’t pay the debt, so she loses the house she put up as security. If we don’t enforce those laws, then we can’t bitch about banks going under or needing federal assistance or refusing to loan mortgage money again.
Funny, my Dad worked two jobs for about six years just so we could afford the mortgage payments, the car and gasoline, utiliities, FOOD, medical attention,
and all the rest.
His best friend lost his job and lost his house in foreclosure. But there was no ACORN for him. He was held to a level of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY that ACORN and Obama don’t believe in.